Friday, August 17, 2012
Prince George's County Board of Education Names Interim Superintendent
UPPER MARLBORO, MD—The Prince George’s County Board of Education has selected Dr.Alvin Crawley, a senior-level administrator in the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), to serve as Interim Superintendent of Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) for the 2012-13 school year.
A 32-year education veteran, Dr. Crawley currently serves as deputy chief of programming in the DCPS Office of Special Education and has held top roles inthe Arlington, Chicago and Boston public school systems. He will start Tuesday,Sept. 4.
“Dr.Crawley will help to provide stability for our staff, students and families aswe search for our next Superintendent of Schools,” said Verjeana M. Jacobs, Board Chair. “We are confident that his leadership, experience with business operations and policy development, and commitment to narrowing the achievement gap will serve the Prince George’s County Public Schools community exceptionally well."
“I am excitedto lead Prince George’s County Public Schools at this critical time,” said Dr.Crawley. “The school system has made significant academic strides in recent years and I look forward to helping students and teachers continue on that path. I will work with the Board of Education over the next few weeks to address immediate challenges and enhance successful programs and services.”
Dr.Crawley is a co-author of Gaining on the Gap: Changing Hearts Minds andPractice, which details efforts by parents and staff in Arlington PublicSchools to eliminate the achievement gap between low-income students, students of color and their peers. He received his bachelor’s degree in communication disorders/education from Hampton University, master’s degree in speech and language pathology from Northeastern University, and doctorate in education with a focus on instructional leadership and administration from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Dr.Crawley will assist the Board of Education in assessing the school system’s five priority areas: high student achievement, highly-effective teaching, safe and supportive schools, strong community partnerships and effective and efficient operations. Dr. Crawley will work closely with Superintendent William R. Hite in the weeks before he leaves to take the helm of the School District of Philadelphia.
Dr.Duane Arbogast will work alongside the Interim Superintendent as Acting Deputy Superintendent. Dr. Arbogast was tapped to serve as Acting Deputy Superintendent of Academics earlier this summer after spending three years asthe county schools’ Chief Academics Officer. He has been an educator for more than three decades with experience as an elementary teacher, assistant principal and principal.
“Iam very pleased that the Board has selected me to serve the school system inthis wonderful new capacity,” said Dr. Arbogast. “I will use my strengths in academics affairs to keep our schools on the path of high achievement.”
The Board of Education also named Monica Goldson as Acting Chief Operating Officer. Goldson previously served as the school system’s Assistant Superintendent of the High School Consortium, where she supervised 22 high schools and more than 140 administrators.
The Board of Education is holding county wide forums about the Superintendent SearchProcess. The “Moving Forward Forums” will be held on the following dates:
· Aug. 21 – Bowie High School, 15200 Annapolis Road, Bowie
· Aug. 30 – Northwestern High School, 7000 Adelphi Road,Hyattsville
Both forums will start at 6:30 p.m. The first forum was held Thursday at Central High School.
“Now that we have completed the first steps of this search process, my colleagues on the Board and I look forward to discussing the next steps with the community,”said Jacobs.
More information about the Superintendent Search Process can be found on line at
Briant K. Coleman, M.A.
Communications Officer
Office of Communications
Prince George's County Public Schools
14201 School Lane
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772 ▪ (301) 952-6375
Posted by
Parental Talk
9:50 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Back To School Million Father March

Fatherhood is a responsibility of
unending change and humbling experiences. Fathers go
through adaptation as their children mature and pull away from the closeness
and security of home. The evolution of the family shows that there are more
fathers that are stepfathers,
surrogate fathers, adopted fathers and "oops" fathers. This shows
that fatherhood is changing
in designation, but fathers are
important to children and influence behaviors and attitudes.
This school year more than ever fathers are going to have to; "Man-up,
Step-up, Own-up,
and Fess-up" to their responsibilities and participate more in schools. It
is not enough to attend athletic events, provide peep talks, promise material
rewards or even setting almost unachievable
goals. Fathers must be visible and involved in schools to stop growing academic
failures and
work to stop increasing school violence.
Being a father includes making
decisions not just for themselves, but for the child or children
in their lives, sacrificing for their families and building their communities. Children
are born
into the world that requires fathers to review their accountabilities and responsibilities.
Child rearing is never an easy thing in life, fathers must understand that the
world is changing and
their children need them to be active and involved. It can be seen in our
schools which are
a representation of society; fathers cannot be selfish in their actions and
choices because
they are models to their children and children that see them as idols.
A father must provide guidance in
wisdom, by sharing how important education is, that
there is value in learning. Fathers need to show up at the school house and
speak with teachers,
administrators, coaches and tutors to make sure their child or children are
learning and
not being a disruption to the learning in classrooms. A father cannot do this once,
he must be diligent, involved and importantly consistent. The Bible says in
Hosea 4:6 (NKV), "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge."
This can be extended to children unsupported, unguided and lead astray. Fathers must show good judgment openly to their children; it is up to fathers to show that life does not have to be violent, thuggish, angry or lonely. Fathers do not let entertainment icons, rappers, musicians, and television athletes raise your children. As Charles Barkley once said parents should be their children’s role models not television athletes.
How different would children's lives
be if fathers were as strong with children as the enthusiasm for sports teams
or other recreational outlets? It is interesting that advertisements are
rampant for fathers to buy football tickets so there won't be blackouts of
football games, drink assortments of beers, but few commercials encouraging fathers
to be more involved in the schools where future athletes and scholars will come
Men love to model behavior for their children; true behavior comes in the
relationships with children. How many men display the same amount of dedication
and devotion in
relationships with their child that they are responsible for that they show for
their sports teams?
How much of a difference would it make in children respecting their mothers,
being successful
in school and contributing to society if fathers are actively modeling.
Proverbs 22:6 (NKJ), "Train a child in the way they should go, and when
they are old they
will not turn from it." The unfortunate reality is too many children are
being lead into the
juvenile justice system where they loose their identities and treated like
human capital
with more value on their imprisonment and less on t heir enlightenment with
There should be no schools struggling or failing because fathers need to be involved,
show more interest, more accountable for their child or children's academic
This is a defining moment in schools, young men particularly in today's society need to hear words of love, acceptance and dedication from their fathers. There are two institutions that desire children; Educational and Correctional. It is up to fathers to guide their children to the correct institution of educational growth which leads to a life of independence and productivity. The Million Father March, fathers must realize the responsibility of their place in a child's life regardless if they are in the home or not, regardless of the distance between father and child through divorce or separation. This new school year should be more than just anointing heads with oil and prayers, more parents especially fathers involved in the schools to make sure children are successful.
Malcolm X stated, "Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow
belongs to the
people who prepare for it today." If children are not prepared then
parents are to blame if they are not involved as they should be. It is
inexcusable for fathers not taking time to eat lunch with their child, or visit
their child's school; fathers should know who their child's teacher is, what
grade the child is in and the name of their child's school. They should attend
PTA meetings, Schools Advisory Council meetings, School Board Meetings and
Parent / Teacher Conferences.
Fathering is a stability of prayer, discipline, love, negotiation, trust and communication; fathering does not come easy. Look in jails; look at the dropout rates to see the failures of non involved or non caring fathers. It will take the interaction of fathers to step up and become involved in their children’s life to guide them in the direction that builds character, a thirst for knowledge, value of hard work for success, educational attainment and building of communities. Fathers be involved, be committed and be encouraging.
Back To School Million Father
needs fathers involved and dedicated to the schools their children are enrolled
in. Contact your
child’s school to complete volunteer applications, chaperone applications,
learn about their
lunch hours and special events.
William Jackson, M.Ed.
Edward Waters
College and Duval County
Public Schools
William Jackson, M.Ed.
Dr. Mike Robinson,
duval public schools,
edward waters college,
Prince George's County Public Schools,
William Jackson
Posted by
Parental Talk
3:11 PM
Monday, August 6, 2012
Mrs. Kimberly K. Parker, discusses ALMOST BACK TO SCHOOL

For the
time I have left, I will engross them in as much summer time fun as I possibly
can. Now that my writing camp has
concluded and their summer camp ushered in wonderful grand finales, it’s our
turn to spend time with each other.
Libraries, museums, swimming pools, and a loaded minivan heading up the
East coast…here we come!
What do
you plan to do with the three weeks you have left? Perhaps your child is still attending a
summer camp. If not, here are a few
suggestions on how to make the most of the time remaining:
- Start with a schedule. There is nothing more frustrating to both you and your child than planning on the fly. Grab a calendar, map out your plan, and just do it!
- Visit your local museum. Just as I stated before, in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, the Smithsonian museums are plentiful. Also, the Newseum is offering free admission for children with a paid adult. Visit and for more information.
- Incorporate curriculum enrichment. Did you know in Prince George’s County Maryland a summer break work packet was available? Check it out at Summer Break Packets. Also, don’t be afraid to get a jump start on those science fair projects. Schools tend to distribute information packets around the first of October, if not before.
- Hang out at the local library. If you have the time, check out the Positive Vibrations Steel Drum Band on July 31, 2012 at 10am hosted by the Bladensburg Library on Annapolis Road. It’s going to be a great show. For details, call 301-927-4916.
- Make the Community News section of your local newspaper the “go to” resource for other free events. You’d really be surprised at what you will find.
you have it! I sure hope this will help you to enjoy the last few weeks of the
summer with your children!
Kimberly K. Parker is the President and CEO of Writing Momma Publishing, LLC ( On September 8, 2012, the 2012 Write On! Writing Program participants will release their book entitled Young Voices. Wise Words: Poems, Essays, and Short Stories at the Spaulding Library. For more information visit Book Release Celebration. Kimberly is a ghostwriter, author and blogger living in Maryland with her husband and three children.
Kimberly K. Parker is the President and CEO of Writing Momma Publishing, LLC ( On September 8, 2012, the 2012 Write On! Writing Program participants will release their book entitled Young Voices. Wise Words: Poems, Essays, and Short Stories at the Spaulding Library. For more information visit Book Release Celebration. Kimberly is a ghostwriter, author and blogger living in Maryland with her husband and three children.
Dr. Mike Robinson,
Forest Of The Rain Productions and education,
Kimberly K. Parker,
Prince George's County Public Schools
Posted by
Parental Talk
11:27 AM
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