CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360° to Host Town Hall Discussion Kicking Off October
National Bullying Prevention Month
Anti-Defamation League Enlisted to Provide In-School Distribution of Approved Curriculum; National Director David Warren Named to Advisory Board
Cartoon Network, a division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (TBS, Inc.), announced today further details of its multi-platform Bullying Prevention Campaign at the National Bullying Prevention Summit in Washington, DC. Speaking to an audience comprised of government officials, business leaders and leading educators of bullying prevention, Cartoon Network’s President and Chief Operations Officer Stuart Snyder unveiled the official title of the CAMPAIGN—STOP BULLYING: SPEAK UP—which will serve to educate and empower young bystanders to take action to reduce/prevent bullying. Bystanders represent the 75-85% of students in schools that witness incidents of bullying every year, whether on the playground, in the classroom, on the bus, on social media websites, or cell phones. The STOP BULLYING: SPEAK UP on-air and online CAMPAIGN will launch in October to coordinate with the fifth annual National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, sponsored by the National Center for Bullying Prevention.
As part of a larger commitment to the anti-bullying efforts, CNN, sister network to Cartoon Network, which has to date covered numerous stories about the rise and growing concern over bullying in America, will also recognize October Bullying Prevention Month by presenting an Anderson Cooper 360° Town Hall event the first week in October, along with the network’s previously announced month-long series of stories on the victims, perpetrators and root causes of bullying which will air across CNN and HLN. Renowned and award-winning journalist Anderson Cooper will welcome government and education leaders, parents groups and child behavioral experts from top universities and non-profit institutions to discuss the many issues and concerns surrounding bullying.
“Bullying recently has been designated by the American Academy of Pediatrics as a national health crisis,” said David Doss, senior executive producer for Anderson Cooper 360°. “Taking a hard look at the causes, effects and, most importantly, the alternatives that kids, parents, teachers and other adults can take is what we’re most interested in exploring. Along with Anderson, it is our hope to help individuals learn that there are options available that can help put an end to bullying, particularly at such severe levels as we’ve seen in recent months.”
“We are extremely grateful that other organizations are joining us and proud to be expanding our efforts with CNN and Anderson Cooper on this crucial issue,” said Snyder, whose responsibilities also include all businesses within Turner Broadcasting’s Animation, Young Adults & Kids Media Group. “Our goal is to get these messages in front of kids wherever they may be—watching television, using their computers or at school in their classrooms.”
Snyder also introduced the newest STOP BULLYING: SPEAK UP partner, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). With direct inroads to schools, educators and local school boards, the ADL has a long history of pro-social projects that have helped to provide anti-bias training, giving students the opportunity to understand the damaging impact that bullying and bigotry have on individuals as well as the social fabric of schools. Key ADL projects that will link into Cartoon Network’s online curriculum include No Place for Hate, a free series of seminars for schools; A World of Difference®, a formal school curriculum; and Cyber ALLY, which teaches kids to be an ally to victims of digital bullying.
Additionally, David Waren, Director of Education for the Anti-Defamation League, was named to the Cartoon Network Bullying Prevention Advisory Board, a coalition of researchers and educators, as well as private organizations and government agencies to provide guidance, counsel and bullying prevention educational materials to supplement Cartoon Network’s STOP BULLYING: SPEAK UP program. Current advisory board members include Dr. Ronald Slaby, senior scientist, Education Development Center, Inc. & Center on Media and Child Health, Children’s Hospital Boston/Harvard Medical School; Dr. Susan Limber, Clemson University, Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life; Dr. Duane Thomas, University of Pennsylvania, Applied Psychology & Human Development Division; Dr. Anthony Peguero, Miami University, Department of Sociology; Captain Stephanie Bryn, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration; and Robyn Glass, Founder and Executive Director of Project Change’s You Have The Power, a peer mentoring program where high school students teach bullying prevention tactics to middle and elementary school students.
Cartoon Network’s initial steps include launching a new series of original PSAs that will premiere on Friday, Oct. 1, at 9 a.m., introducing the pro-social effort and directing viewers to key online resources at CartoonNetwork.com.
Cartoon Network (CartoonNetwork.com), currently seen in more than 97 million U.S. homes and 166 countries around the world, is Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.’s ad-supported cable service now available in HD offering the best in original, acquired and classic entertainment for youth and families. Nightly from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (ET, PT), Cartoon Network shares its channel space with Adult Swim, a late-night destination showcasing original and acquired animated and live-action series for young adults 18-34.
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time Warner company, creates and programs branded news, entertainment, animation and young adult media environments on television and other platforms for consumers around the world.
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