Hello Engaged Parents and Dedicated Educators,
This past Tuesday was a remarkable day for those passionate about the potential of Prince George’s County Public Schools. During an amazing primary election we saw voters express their vision for education in our County. We witnessed an incumbent fall and a few others narrowly escape losing their seat during a mid-year exam, we call a primary.
There appears to be a desire for a younger and perhaps bolder composition for our BOE as each of the 2012 primary winners are under the age of 40, with three under the age of 21. The question is can they carry their momentum and theme into the fall?
An incumbent falls, several are weakened and one strengthens his hold with nearly 70% of the voters working to send him back to the BOE. The question facing those incumbents how do they regain the trust of voters again that once served as the impetus to propel them to their seat on the BOE?
Voters seemed motivated to make their feelings known and passions are high on all sides as the desire for providing the best for our children, the children of Prince George’s County and our county was clearly on the mind of those voters.
Here is what we know, our educational system has to serve as the apex by which Prince George’s County goes from good to GREAT and as such leaderships has to prepared to accept the challenges of leading a message that is coming in loud and clear to this point! It seems the residents of Prince George’s County are seeking leader to drive student achievement for decades to come.
The general election in November is shaping up to be one of the most important one for education in our county in a while. Parents and PGCPs is committed to bringing as much information as possible leading up to the 2012 General Election.
Parents and PGCPS
Parents and PGCPS, presents Parent Talk Live with your host Dr. Mike Robinson as he will explore what the 2012 BOE primary election means and where will the candidates go from here.
Join Dr. Mike Robinson for A two special Parent Talk Live on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 from 8pm -11pm. He will discuss the results of the 2012 PGCPS BOE primary election results. Guest will include primary winners: Edward Burroughs (Dist. 8), David Murray (Dist. 1), Carletta Fellows (Dist. 7), Raaheela Ahmed (Dist. 5) and Micah Watson (Dist. 4). Our guest analyst will be Jennifer Harris author of PGD9Politico, a blog that focuses on keeping Prince George's County politicians accountable for their decisions and votes.
Date: April 10, 2012
Time: 8pm-11:00pm
Location: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/education4and2parents/2012/04/11/parent-talk-live-2012-pgcps-boe-primay-election-results
Call in number: (646) 716-5649
Tweet Questions: https://twitter.com/DrMikeRobinson
Facebook Questions: http://www.facebook.com/DrMikeRobinson
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