Dr. Mike Robinson, host of Parent Talk Live on Sunday, April 21, 2013 at 8:00 pm concluded his two part discussion on Teacher Attrition. Is the American teaching
profession in trouble? Does the profession which serves as the gateway
to nearly every occupation in the world garner the appropriate honor and
importance in society today? How much of the challenges facing teachers
are created by demand parents, increase student accountability and
potentially poor working conditions?

Dr. Robinson was joined by
Gail P. Bingham. Ms.
Bingham is a veteran teacher of more than 21 years and she is the author
of a soon to be released book
TEACHING Is The New Slavery. In her book,
Ms. Bingham explores what she describes as a culture of persecution,
retaliation, abuse, bullying and harassment as means to control
teachers, which ultimately drives many teachers to leave the profession.
Ms. Bingham suggests teacher attrition rates are to a large extent
attributed to the "Pressures teachers face from administrators and other
members of the community due to an expectation that teachers are solely
responsible for student success and failure." She also believes the
pressure and mistreatment experienced by teachers has led to tragic
outcomes and simply quitting is the least of the effects on the lives of
To listen to this amazing discussion click here!
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