Sunday, May 31, 2009

6,800 Women Honored By PGCPS:
May 11, 2009 will go down in the history of Prince George's County Public Schools, as 6,807 women were honored by staff, teachers and school system administrators for their commitment to impacting the lives of children as part of the first annual PGCPS Women’s Day.
Over 130 schools invited mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, nieces and other significant female role models in the lives of Prince George's County Public Schools students to celebrations in their honor. The women were treated to an assortment of celebrations, gifts and surprises. Celebrations included songs and poems performed by students, mother children Tea Parties, guest speakers from community and government organizations and at several of the schools professional photographers were on hand to take photos of the women. As gifts, some women received gifts card to local stores, certificates of appreciation from staff, teachers and students, free professional photos and CDs of their day in the school.
Carmody Hills Elementary School provided a full-course breakfast to over 70 women, which was followed by an opportunity to observe classrooms. Not to be out done, Clinton Grove Elementary School held a Mother-Daughter Tea program; and professional pictures were taken for more than 70 mothers and grandmothers. At Eugene Burroughs Middle School the women in attendance were treated to breakfast followed by a discussion on specific issues impacting student success at the middle school level. Yorktown Elementary had over 108 women participate in their celebration. Women dropping off their children, who were unable to attend, were provided a breakfast to-go packaged in a pink lunch bag with orange juice, a multi-grain breakfast bar and a banana. Bowie High School celebrated the women of Bowie with a dazzling array of events. Women were greeted in the morning with coffee and provided an opportunity to observe classrooms. The day concluded with an evening program, entitled “Phenomenal Women." The program honored women volunteers, who have worked with the students and staff of Bowie High School for over 10 years.
Women's Day provided a forum for these significant role models to share stories; ideas and strategies. Participants were also able to develop supportive networks to address challenges and successes of having such an important role in the lives of Prince George’s County students. It can never be said enough, how important a role women play in the success of students in Prince George's Public Schools.
Prince George's County Public Schools acknowledges the role and significance these women have and as such we wanted to show our appreciation as a school system.
Perhaps the late rapper Tupac Shakur said it best, “there's no way I can pay you back But my plan is to show you that I understand. You are appreciated”
Friday, May 29, 2009

Age: 33
Home: Capitol Heights, MD
Spouse: Martinus Thomas
Kids: Martia, 8, Kiya 3
William W. Hall Elementary
What is your child’s greatest academic success?
Best Parental Engagement Tip?
Try to attend as many programs and assemblies as possible, this makes your child happy that you are aware of their accomplishments and achievements. They will tend to do great things for your attention.
A piece of advice on helping you child succeed academically?
Make sure you help them with homework when needed and challenge them with other work or fun activities. Reading to them is important as well.
Best family organizing tip?
Try to prepare in advance to eliminate rushing!
How do you ensure your child is prepared to succeed in school?
You can ensure your child's preparation of succeeding in school by testing them with their spelling words or going over their papers they bring home to see if they understood, talk to them and see what they need help with, keep communication open with your kids, and teachers.
How does your family stay healthy/relax?
My family stays healthy/relax by exercising eating the right foods, keep a happy environment, and keep religion in our lives.
PGCPS Mourns the Loss of Ms. Suzi Johnson

Raising Him Alone (Up coming Activities)
DATE: Saturday May 30, 2009
TIME: 12:00 noon - 4:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Boylan Recreation Center, 955 South Orange Ave, Newark, NJ
DATE: Saturday, June 6, 2009
TIME:12:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Sojourner Douglass College, 200 N. Central Ave, Baltimore, MD
PARENTS: Parents can register children and youth for valuable summer programs.
Special Baltimore Guest: Harrine Freeman author of Get Out of Debt (First 50 parents will receive FREE signed copies of Ms. Freeman's book)
For more information please contact 410.467.1605
Organizations interested in setting up exhibitor tables please contact us at 877.339.4300.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Parent Engagement
Borders’ Summer Reading Program
Here's how it works:
Kids 12 and under read any 8 books.
- List the books you've read on the Reading Challenge Worksheet.
- Have a parent/guardian sign the completed worksheet.
- Bring your completed worksheet to any Borders or Waldenbooks store between May 26 and August 31 to save 50% or more on selected items.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Department of Family and Community Outreach is seeking articles from parents and community partners

There are a few criteria for submitting your article/posting:
- All content must be created by you. No exceptions
- If your content has been published elsewhere, make sure you still own the copyright to it
- Content needs to be at least 300 words in length
- Poetry is excluded from word limits
- Content must contain correct grammar, sentence structure, spelling and punctuation
Community Colleges: A Viable Option to a College Degree

- Four out of ten college students nationwide begin their education career at a local community college (College Board, 2009).
- Community colleges are open access (accepting all that apply)
- Attending a community college can help a student to boast their GPA
- An affordable option
a. Enrolling at a community college prior to completing your degree at a 4-year institution has the potential to save thousands of dollars in tuition cost (American Association of Community Colleges, 2009). - Attending a community college can prepare a student for the rigors of postsecondary education
- Community colleges offer two year degree programs and vocational programs with certification, such as Carpentry, Automobile Technician, Nursing and HVAC
- Many of the academic and vocational programs are supported by local business and industry, increasing potential for employment placement upon completion of an enrolled program
- Community colleges have articulation agreements with most state 4-year public and private institutions, this makes it easier to transfer credits earned at a college to an institution of choice
- Most credits earned at a community college can be transferred to most accredited 4-years institutions throughout the United States
- Community Colleges are accredited, thus ensuring state, regional and federal standards of operations
- Close to home
- An effective way to transition from high school to postsecondary education
- An opportunity to take all General Education courses
- Smaller classes
- State of the art technology
By: Michael A. Robinson (michael.robinson@pgcps.org)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Bullying Goes High Tech

Cyber-bullying as defined by the National Crime Prevention Council's is “the use of Internet, cell phones or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person." When the sender or receiver of the messages is a minor, this constitutes cyber-bullying, if the sender or receiver is an adult, this becomes an issue of cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment. The phenomenon of cyber-bullying has been on the rise since the earlier 2000s, when a study suggested that as many as 10% of middle schools students admitted to being cyber-bullied. By the year 2006, a new study suggested as many as 43% of teens indicated they have been cyber-bullied (Harris Interactive, 2006). The Harris Interactive study also indicated that 23% of middle school students reveled they have been cyber-bullied via email, another 35% indicated their bullying took place in chat rooms and 41% stated they had been bullied via of text messages (Harris Interactive). It gets worse, additionally, 41% of the students professed they were unable to identify who was responsible.
While the majority of bullying does not occur in the virtual world, there are some real issues inherited only to internet bullying. First, the bully has the ability to remain anonymous. Secondly, with the ever increasing technological advances cyber-bullies are less fearful of being discovered and therefore may increase the intensity of their attacks. Thirdly, cyber-bullies are for the most part unsupervised. Lastly, cyber-bullies are very knowledgeable of technology and in some cases more tech savvy than many of their parents and as a result it decreases the possibility they will be discovered.
The impact of cyber-bullying on students is vast. It has been suggested that cyber-bullying has led to students running away from home, leaving school, becoming withdrawn, increase negative behavior, poor grades, and suicide. Suicides linked to teasing have been on the increase and the number of youth who have taken their own lives due to cyber-bullying is rising. Expectations among experts propose the number of cases regarding cyber-bullying will increase due to the use of technology. Everyday, new words are introduced to the American lexicon which are linked to the way youth are using technology. This is best evident by the new phase of Sexting. Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit pictures via cell phone. This is primarily done by teenagers. Many of whom have no idea the extent to which these pictures can effect their lives. Sexting is another way by which cyber-bullies can harass, tease and bully.
To combat cyber-bullying, students, parents, teachers, school administrators and community members are ask to do the following:
- Report the first case of cyber-bullying to a school official or local law enforcement authority
- Parents be role models and not tolerate bullying of any kind from your child
- Parents monitor your child’s activity on the internet
- Whenever possible personal notebook and desktop computers should NOT be used in a child’s bedroom
- Treat the computer as you would the world outside your home.
- There should be certain sites your child and teen should NOT be allowed to go
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Martial Status: Single
What is your child’s greatest academic success?
Improvement in his Math grades
What is your Best Parental Engagement Tip? Parent Classroom Visitation. It’s a sacrifice to take time from work; however I find it helpful to see my son in the classroom environment, to see the different teaching styles of his teachers, and to see how he interacts with his classmates. I take notes during my son’s classes; after class we discuss the notes that I took compared to the notes that he took. I attempt to put myself in the role of a student on day of visitation.
What example would you give that has been successful in helping your child succeed academically? I tend to read a lot. When we spend time together, I encourage him to read to gain knowledge rather than participate in social or sports activities. I stress that knowledge is power and that reading is an avenue to knowledge. My son is required to attend Math tutoring each Monday and Thursday (after school with ERHS NHS tutoring) which has helped bring his grade up from an “E” to a “C”.
What is your best family organizing tip? As a father (not in the household); my son “must” call me every day. I will ask him what did he learn or what did he do in each of his classes that day. He must have an answer. I also ask what tests or quizzes are forthcoming in each of his classes. Subsequently, we prioritize how and when he will study for these tests and quizzes. I review his weekly progress report that is signed by each of his teachers. His Guidance Counselor showed him how to organize his notebook; weekly, he presents his notebook to this Counselor to see if it is still organized the way that she did it originally. I call his counselor weekly to check on how is his notebook being maintained.
What school does your child attend? Eleanor Roosevelt High School
How do you ensure that your child is prepared to succeed in school? He must call me every day. After we discuss homework and quizzes, I discuss what he has laid out to wear to school the next day. Next I speak to his mother to be sure that he is describing it accurately.
How does your family stay healthy and relax? I stress the importance of a healthy diet and getting to bed on time. My son knows that going to school is his “job”; he must get enough sleep to wake up on time and to be at school on time.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
PGCPS: Keeping You Informed and Updated About H1N1 Flu Situation

PGCPS is ensuring that all schools and offices are stocked with soap and paper towels in the bathrooms for frequent hand washing by students and staff. Every public school bathroom in the county has a sticker detailing appropriate hand washing.
Prince George's County Health Department H1N1 Information Line: (301) 583-3100 or 1-866-952-7426
Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. Monday - Friday and 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Related Links
Montpelier ES Closed Up To Two Weeks
CDC Interim Guidance on School Closures
Interim Superintendent's Letter to Students, Parents and PGCPS Employees en espaƱol
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Website on Swine Flu Influenza porcina (gripe porcina)
Pandemic Flu Information
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Swine Flu Preparedness Guide
MD State Flu information line at 1-877-MDFLU4U (633-5848)