Did you know that research shows parents are the biggest factor in their children's educational success? In just three small steps, you can have a huge impact on your child's future.
•Reading or speaking to your child — even 20 minutes a day — can improve academic skills and raise IQ scores.
•Studies have shown that parents who volunteer at their child's school are more likely to have successful kids.
•Research has found that parents partnering with teachers — helping with homework and attending parent-teacher conferences — leads to better prepared students.
Monday, July 27, 2009
August is back-to-school month
Time to start thinking about your childcare needs when school resumes. Registration is ongoing for the 2009-10 Morning Care programs at College Park Community Center and Suitland Community Center. These programs provide licensed childcare during the school year for Prince George's County children ages 5-12 (ages as of August 31, 2009). College Park Community Center Morning Care (SMARTlink course #142934) operates Mondays-Fridays from 7 am-9 am; Suitland Community Center Morning Care (SMARTlink course #142935) operates Mondays-Fridays from 6 am-8:15 am. These programs begin on Monday, August 24 and end in June, at the conclusion of the school year. Fees are $750 for the 10-month program, and are payable in 10 monthly installments of $75, plus a mandatory $10 registration fee. For more information, call staff at College Park Community Center (301-441-2647) or Suitland Community Center (301-736-3518).
PGPD Announces Summer Enforcement Initiatives to Combat Loitering and Curfew Violations
Initiative to ensure that County residents understand and obey county and state laws pertaining to loitering and curfews
The Prince George's County Police Department will begin its summer enforcement initiative by enforcing curfew and loitering laws. This is aimed at reducing crimes and opportunities for juveniles to be involved in crime. Parents and guardians should be aware of the curfew laws pertaining to their children seventeen years old and under. Juveniles found loitering without adult supervision and in violation of the curfew law will be taken into custody and charged accordingly. First-time violation will result in a written warning; subsequent fines range from $50 to $250.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Students Continue to Demonstrate Academic Growth
Prince George's County public school students continue to make steady gains in achievement on the Maryland School Assessment (MSA), according to 2009 MSA results released on July 21 by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). Scores rose or stayed the same in all but one grade level in both reading and math, and in nearly all subgroups, demonstrating that a continued investment in programs and strategies to improve academic achievement is of critical importance.
As a result of student achievement, three schools -- Columbia Park ES, William W. Hall ES, and Walker Mill MS -- exited School Improvement status this year by meeting all state and federal mandates for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for two years in a row.
As a result of student achievement, three schools -- Columbia Park ES, William W. Hall ES, and Walker Mill MS -- exited School Improvement status this year by meeting all state and federal mandates for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for two years in a row.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
FYI: News From the Maryland Hunger Solutions Newsletter
1. BOE trashes lunch policy aimed at lowering debt Kristin Harty, Cumberland Times-News, May 13, 2009 School officials have tried all sorts of tricks to get parents to pay the more than $30,000 that's past-due for student lunches. They even tried serving cheese sandwiches and water to students with overdue accounts, until the Allegany County Board of Education overturned the policy, leaving school officials to find other ways of dealing with the debt. Read the Full Story at http://www.times-news.com/archivesearch/local_story_133233029.html.
2. Our Bay: This Week's Take: Grounding the connection to what kids eatCindy Ross, The Capital, May 23, 2009 The Farm to School program is a nationwide program that aims to teach children about the origins of the food they eat. Maryland has the premier program in the Chesapeake Bay region with many counties working with local farmers to offer different types of locally grown produce to their students. Read the Full Story at http://www.hometownannapolis.com/news/env/2009/05/23-11/Our-Bay-This-Weeks-Take-Grounding-the-connection-to-what-kids-eat.html.
3. Demand is Increasing for Subsidized Meals Michael Alison Chandler, The Washington Post, May 24, 2009 The economic downturn is increasing the demand for government-subsidized school meals. In Montgomery County, the portion of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals rose from 26 to 28 percent. Read the Full Story at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/05/23/AR2009052301808.html?hpid=sec-education.
4. Children, meet your vegetables Jacques Kelly, The Baltimore Sun, May 26, 2009 Baltimore chefs donate their time in 17 Baltimore city and county schools to teach children about healthy eating that tastes good. The program is called "Days of Taste" and introduces local children to produce grown on Maryland farms. Read the Full Story at http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/education/bal-md.taste26may26,0,3286159.story.
5. Cascade students have reason to cheer Janet Heim, The Herald-Mail, May 27, 2009. After 57 consecutive school days of eating Cheerios for breakfast, Cascade Elementary School students on Wednesday celebrated reaching their goal of downing 1 million pieces of the cereal with a visit from Olympic gymnast Dominique Dawes and the schools superintendent and a chicken dance from their principal. The challenge began Monday, March 2, as a kickoff to National School Breakfast Week and was undertaken in recognition of the $1 million donation to the school from PenMar Development Corp. Read the Full Story at http://www.herald-mail.com/?cmd=displaystory&story_id=223844&format=html.
6. Buffalo wrap is a winner John-John Williams IV, The Baltimore Sun, May 31, 2009 A group of students at Atholton High School, in Howard County, thinks a healthier spin on a spicy restaurant favorite will get their classmates excited about school lunch. The six students won a county-wide recipe contest and the right to have their recipe for a spicy buffalo chicken wrap served in cafeterias throughout the Howard County school system this fall. Read the Full Story at http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/howard/bal-ho.lunch31may31,0,1389118.story.
7. The New Meal Edward Ericson Jr, Baltimore City Paper, June 3, 2009 Tony Geraci, the Baltimore City Schools' director of food and nutrition, is leading the charge to replace the pre-cooked, frozen meals served in Baltimore schools with locally-grown and prepared meals. Geraci is pitching a "farm-to-fork school" in which students will learn agro-hospitality, farm management (management in general), cooking, and various hospitality fields. Already the "Great Kids Farm" has been established and is being integrated into the local curriculum. Read the Full Story at http://www.citypaper.com/news/story.asp?id=18167.
8. Who Influences Children's Eating Habits?Caroline Wilbert, WebMD Health News, June 4, 2009 A recent study suggests only a weak resemblance between the eating habits of parents and children, indicating stronger influence from factors outside of the family, including the school environment. Read the Full Story at http://children.webmd.com/news/20090604/who-influences-kids-eating-habits?src=RSS_PUBLIC.
9. For Some Kids, Hunger All Too RealSeth Doane, CBS News, June 5, 2009 An estimated 15.5 million American kids don't have enough food - that's 3 million more than just two years ago. A new photo exhibit called "Witnesses to Hunger" documents the struggles of 42 lower-income Philadelphia mothers to provide enough food for their children. Read the Full Story at http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/06/05/business/childofrecession/main5066474.shtml.
10. Giving for Good: Challenging Times: Basic Human Needs Guide for Donors Bess Freed lander Langbein, The Capital Hometown Annapolis.Com, June 7, 2009 During these challenging economic times, the basic human needs of the residents of Maryland are increasing. Marcia Kennai, Director of Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services, underscores this point, "We are seeing more families who have never been in before asking for mortgage assistance, utility assistance and food stamps. The bills are larger and people are forced to go to several agencies to meet their needs." Read Full Story at http://www.hometownannapolis.com/news/nbh/2009/06/07-19/Giving-for-Good-Challenging-times-Basic-human-needs-guide-for-donors.html.
11. Free Meals for Maryland Kids During Summer VacationKatelyn Thomas, Examiner.com, June 10, 2009When you are struggling financially, it is wonderful to know that your child will get a reduced or free breakfast and lunch during the school year. However, once school is out for the summer, you don't have that safety net. For information about where your child can eat during the summer, call 1-877-731-9300 or visit the Maryland Summer Food Service Program website at mdsummermeals.org. Read Full Story at http://www.examiner.com/x-1069-Baltimore-Education-Examiner~y2009m6d10-Free-meals-for-Maryland-kids-during-summer-vacation.
12. Budget Friendly Nutrition Series Offered at LibraryKatherine Mullen, Gazette.net, June 11, 2009"Nutrition on a Nickel and Dime Budget" is a new monthly library program that aims to provide Frederick residents with tips and tools to reduce grocery bills, watch portion sizes and make healthy choices. In addition they provide attendees with a list of resources for community-supported agriculture, food stamps and food banks. Read the Full Story at http://www.gazette.net/stories/06112009/thurnew171032_32528.shtml.
13. Homeless Student Rolls Sky rocket Gretchen Phillips, SoMdNews.Com, June 12, 2009 Charles County's public schools saw an increase in homeless students this year. Grier said that with several community agencies as partners, departments within the school system can help ensure homeless children receive meals at 11 different sites in the county this summer. Read the Full Story at http://www.somdnews.com/stories/06122009/indytop170134_32300.shtml.
14. Local Produce Produces QuestionsLaura Vozella, Baltimore Sun, June 15, 2009 Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs) which number more than 12,500 nationwide, allow consumers to buy produce directly from local farms, and it's the farmer and the season that dictate which fruits and vegetables - and how much of them - are delivered each week. Because a portion is donated to soup kitchens, some needy Baltimoreans are getting to know the unusual foods at the same time as gourmets. In city shelters and suburban kitchens, cooks are turning to the Internet, cookbooks and even strangers to identify these foods and figure out how to prepare them. Read the Full Story at http://www.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/dining/bal-te.fo.locavore14jun15,0,7603666.story.
Friday, July 10, 2009
The United States Department of Education: Education News Parents Can Use
Summer Programs: Keeping Students Reading and Learning
For many children, summer is their favorite season, a once-a-year chance for them to enjoy the sunshine, play with friends, and go outdoors without having to worry about schoolwork. Many parents take advantage of this time to go on vacations, enroll their kids in camps, make trips to museums and parks, and relax outdoors, where children can learn as they unwind and have fun. But many families are not able to provide supervised experiences that are academically engaging, fun, and safe for their children over the summer break.
No Child Left Behind asks that all students be held to high academic standards—with the goal of all children achieving grade level proficiency in reading and math by the year 2014. Yet after the final school bell has rung, far too few students spend any of their summer time engaged in activities that maintain and sharpen their academic skills—particularly critical reading skills—that were gained during the school year. As a result, many students experience a “summer slide”: scoring lower on reading and math achievement tests at the end of the summer than they did on the same tests before summer break. Teachers are often required to spend up to six weeks going over the same lessons their students were taught the previous school year.
This edition of Education News will showcase several award-winning and effective summer learning programs; explore innovative strategies to academically engage and nurture low-income and disadvantaged youth during the summer; profile corporate, community and library-based initiatives designed to encourage students to read and learn during the break; and spotlight the efforts of organizations dedicated to providing disadvantaged students with access to books and reading materials in the summer and throughout the year. Educators, policymakers, parents and community leaders will discuss key issues such as:
- Why is it important to sustain academic skills over the break and avoid the “summer slide?”
- What does an effective and high-quality summer learning program look like?
- What kinds of summer programs are available and who offers them?
- What types of summer reading programs are available to students and how can parents find out more about them?
- What can parents do during the summer encourage their children to continue learning?
- How can parents, schools, libraries and community organizations access free children’s books and reading materials?
The Summer Learning Loss Is Real For All Students
Summer Learning Loss is a real problem facing parents and educators according to The National Center for Summer Learning. "Two-thirds of the ninth grade achievement gap can be explained by unequal access to summer learning opportunities during the elementary school years" (The National Center for Summer Learning, 2009). Just how much and what is lost differs from student to student. However, research has suggested youth who are engaged in some form of organized or parent monitored summer learning tend to avoid the summer learning loss.
The National Center for Summer Learning has suggested the adverse affect of summer reading loss can last a life-time. Additionally, research has implied the summer learning loss "affects nearly all young people" (The National Center for Summer Learning, 2009). Based on previous research studies The National Center for Summer Learning outlined three additional consequences associated with summer learning loss:
- Two-thirds of the achievement gap between lower- and higher-income youth can be explained by unequal access to summer learning opportunities. As a result, low-income youth are less likely to graduate from high school or enter college (Alexander et al, 2007).
- Most students lose about two months of grade-level equivalency in mathematical computation skills over the summer months. Low-income students also lose more than two months in reading achievement, while their middle-class peers make slight gains (Cooper, 1996). When this pattern continues throughout the elementary school years, lower income youth fall more than two and one-half years behind their more affluent peers by the end of fifth grade.
- Most children – particularly children at high risk of obesity – gain weight more rapidly when they are out of school during summer break (Von Hippel et al, 2007).
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Xtreme Teens Safe Summer Program

Dept. of Parks and Recreation Extends Hours Just for Teens
From June 22 to August 22, more than 25 Department of Parks and Recreation locations and community facilities will be open late from 10 pm to midnight just for Prince George's County Residents ages 12-24. Exciting recreational activities include Laser Tag , Nintendo Wii Competitions, Basketball Leagues, Enrichment Sessions, Soccer Games, Movie Nights, and more!
Learn more about the Xtreme Teen Program at http://www.pgxtremeteens.com/.
View a list of Safe Summer locations
View a list of Safe Summer locations
Monday, July 6, 2009
10 Healthy Foods Under $1
By Elaine Magee, MPH, RDWebMD and Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
2. Bananas
Great for: Snacks and fruit salads, yogurt parfaits, and smoothies. What's a serving? 1 banana.
Price per serving: About 45 cents. Bananas sell for about $0.89 per pound, and a large banana weighs about 1/2 pound Nutrition Info per serving: 121 calories, 3.5 grams fiber, 14% Daily Value for potassium (487 mg), 20% Daily Value for vitamin C.
3. Baby Carrots (in bags)
Great for: Snacks, casseroles, stews, veggie platters, and side dishes. What's a serving? About 1/2 cup or 2 ounces raw. Price per serving: 19 cents. A 16-ounce bag costs about $1 on sale and contains about 8 servings (2 ounces each). Nutrition Info per serving: 27 calories, 2 grams of fiber, 200% Daily Value for vitamin A, and 7% Daily Value for vitamin C.
4. Canned Beans
Great for: Green salads, casseroles, stews, and chili. Types of beans range from 50% less sodium kidney beans and black beans to white beans and garbanzo beans. What's a serving? Each can contains about 3.5 (1/2-cup) servings. Price per serving: About 28 cents. You can buy a 15-ounce can for about $1 on sale. Nutrition Info per serving: About 120 calories (for kidney beans), 7 grams protein, 6 grams fiber, and 6% Daily Value for calcium, and 10% Daily Value for iron.
5. Canned Tomatoes
Great for: Italian and Mexican recipes, chili, stew, and casseroles. Flavor options range from no-salt-added sliced stewed tomatoes to diced tomatoes with garlic and olive oil. What's a serving? One can contains about 3.5 (1/2-cup) servings. Price per serving: About 28 cents. You can buy a 14.5-ounce can for about $1 on sale (often less for store brands). Nutrition Info per serving: About 25 calories, 1 gram fiber, 10% Daily Value of vitamin A, and 15% Daily Value of vitamin C.
6. Oranges (extra large navel oranges)
Great for: Snacks, green salads, and fruit salads. What's a serving? 1 large or extra large orange.
Price per serving: 40 cents for a large orange and 79 cents for an extra large orange. Oranges sell for around $0.79 per pound, and a large orange is about 1/2 pound, whereas an extra large orange is about 1 pound. Nutrition Info per serving: (for an 8 ounce orange): 106 calories, 5.5 grams fiber, 10% Daily Value for vitamin A, 200% Daily Value vitamin C, 17% Daily Value for folate, 9% Daily Value for calcium, and 12% potassium.
7. Pears
Great for: Snacks, as an appetizer with cheese, green salads, and fruit salads. What's a serving? 1 large pear. Price per serving: about 45 cents for a large pear. Pears sell for about $0.90 per pound, and a large pear weighs about 1/2 pound. Nutrition Info per serving: 133 calories, 7 grams of fiber, 16% Daily Value for vitamin C, and 8% for potassium.
8. Lentils (dry)
Great for: Soups and stews, cold bean salads, and casseroles. What's a serving? 2 ounces (dry)
Price per serving: 14 cents. A 16 ounce bag sells for $1.12 (on sale) and contains eight servings.
Nutrition Info per serving: 195 calories, 14 grams protein, 6 grams fiber, 24% Daily Value for Iron, 10% Daily Value for magnesium and potassium.
9. Pearl Barley (dry)
Great for: Soups and stews, cold salads, and casseroles. What's a serving? 2 ounces (dry)
Price per serving: About 12 cents. A 16 ounce bag of dry pearl barley sells for about $0.94 and contains about 8 servings. Nutrition Info per serving: 199 calories, 9 grams fiber, 2.5 grams soluble fiber, 6 grams protein, 8% Daily Value for iron, and 11% Daily Value for magnesium.
10. Yogurt (plain, lowfat, or fat-free)
Great for: Smoothies, yogurt parfait, dips, and dressings. What's a serving? An 8-ounce or 6-ounce container is usually a serving. Price per serving: 60 cents. This is usually the price for an 8-ounce container of plain yogurt. Nutrition Info per serving: (for 8 ounces of fat-free plain yogurt): 130 calories, 13 grams of protein, 45% Daily Value for calcium, plus active cultures such as acidophilus and bifidus. For information on 10 Healthy Foods Under $1 visit http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/10-healthy-foods-under-1-dollar
1. Apples
Great for: Snacks, green salads, main dish salads, and fruit salads. What's a serving? 1 large apple. Price per serving: About $1. Apples sell for about $1.99 per pound, and an extra large crisp apple weighs about 1/2 pound. Nutrition Info per serving: 117 calories, 5 grams fiber, 17% Daily Value for vitamin C, and 7% Daily Value for potassium.
Great for: Snacks, green salads, main dish salads, and fruit salads. What's a serving? 1 large apple. Price per serving: About $1. Apples sell for about $1.99 per pound, and an extra large crisp apple weighs about 1/2 pound. Nutrition Info per serving: 117 calories, 5 grams fiber, 17% Daily Value for vitamin C, and 7% Daily Value for potassium.
2. Bananas
Great for: Snacks and fruit salads, yogurt parfaits, and smoothies. What's a serving? 1 banana.
Price per serving: About 45 cents. Bananas sell for about $0.89 per pound, and a large banana weighs about 1/2 pound Nutrition Info per serving: 121 calories, 3.5 grams fiber, 14% Daily Value for potassium (487 mg), 20% Daily Value for vitamin C.
3. Baby Carrots (in bags)
Great for: Snacks, casseroles, stews, veggie platters, and side dishes. What's a serving? About 1/2 cup or 2 ounces raw. Price per serving: 19 cents. A 16-ounce bag costs about $1 on sale and contains about 8 servings (2 ounces each). Nutrition Info per serving: 27 calories, 2 grams of fiber, 200% Daily Value for vitamin A, and 7% Daily Value for vitamin C.
4. Canned Beans
Great for: Green salads, casseroles, stews, and chili. Types of beans range from 50% less sodium kidney beans and black beans to white beans and garbanzo beans. What's a serving? Each can contains about 3.5 (1/2-cup) servings. Price per serving: About 28 cents. You can buy a 15-ounce can for about $1 on sale. Nutrition Info per serving: About 120 calories (for kidney beans), 7 grams protein, 6 grams fiber, and 6% Daily Value for calcium, and 10% Daily Value for iron.
5. Canned Tomatoes
Great for: Italian and Mexican recipes, chili, stew, and casseroles. Flavor options range from no-salt-added sliced stewed tomatoes to diced tomatoes with garlic and olive oil. What's a serving? One can contains about 3.5 (1/2-cup) servings. Price per serving: About 28 cents. You can buy a 14.5-ounce can for about $1 on sale (often less for store brands). Nutrition Info per serving: About 25 calories, 1 gram fiber, 10% Daily Value of vitamin A, and 15% Daily Value of vitamin C.
6. Oranges (extra large navel oranges)
Great for: Snacks, green salads, and fruit salads. What's a serving? 1 large or extra large orange.
Price per serving: 40 cents for a large orange and 79 cents for an extra large orange. Oranges sell for around $0.79 per pound, and a large orange is about 1/2 pound, whereas an extra large orange is about 1 pound. Nutrition Info per serving: (for an 8 ounce orange): 106 calories, 5.5 grams fiber, 10% Daily Value for vitamin A, 200% Daily Value vitamin C, 17% Daily Value for folate, 9% Daily Value for calcium, and 12% potassium.
7. Pears
Great for: Snacks, as an appetizer with cheese, green salads, and fruit salads. What's a serving? 1 large pear. Price per serving: about 45 cents for a large pear. Pears sell for about $0.90 per pound, and a large pear weighs about 1/2 pound. Nutrition Info per serving: 133 calories, 7 grams of fiber, 16% Daily Value for vitamin C, and 8% for potassium.
8. Lentils (dry)
Great for: Soups and stews, cold bean salads, and casseroles. What's a serving? 2 ounces (dry)
Price per serving: 14 cents. A 16 ounce bag sells for $1.12 (on sale) and contains eight servings.
Nutrition Info per serving: 195 calories, 14 grams protein, 6 grams fiber, 24% Daily Value for Iron, 10% Daily Value for magnesium and potassium.
9. Pearl Barley (dry)
Great for: Soups and stews, cold salads, and casseroles. What's a serving? 2 ounces (dry)
Price per serving: About 12 cents. A 16 ounce bag of dry pearl barley sells for about $0.94 and contains about 8 servings. Nutrition Info per serving: 199 calories, 9 grams fiber, 2.5 grams soluble fiber, 6 grams protein, 8% Daily Value for iron, and 11% Daily Value for magnesium.
10. Yogurt (plain, lowfat, or fat-free)
Great for: Smoothies, yogurt parfait, dips, and dressings. What's a serving? An 8-ounce or 6-ounce container is usually a serving. Price per serving: 60 cents. This is usually the price for an 8-ounce container of plain yogurt. Nutrition Info per serving: (for 8 ounces of fat-free plain yogurt): 130 calories, 13 grams of protein, 45% Daily Value for calcium, plus active cultures such as acidophilus and bifidus.
Male Parents Assisting Teachers (M-PAT) Academy
According to the National Education Association less than 9% of elementary teachers are males. Additional research suggested males make up less than 25% of teachers in the public schools. In an effort to combat the dearth of male teachers, Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS) is seeking men who would are interested in volunteering in classrooms.
PGCPS hopes as you volunteer in our schools, your varied life experiences and training will enhance the education of our youth and have an impact on their lives. This role is exciting and challenging and will provide you with opportunities for personal enrichment and fulfillment.
The Male Parents Assisting Teachers (M-PAT) Academy is designed for those male Parents/guardians and community members who are interested in volunteering in classrooms to assist teachers in the educational/instructional process. The Office of Family and Community Outreach provides a three-hour training workshop which introduces participants to the guidelines and strategies for working with students and assisting teachers in the classrooms. Male Parents Assisting Teachers (M-PAT) Academy workshops provide participants with:
- An overview of the purpose and goals of the Male Parents Assisting Teachers (M-PAT) Academy in order to develop an understanding of expected outcomes.
- An explanation of school district policies, procedures, ethics, and laws in order to internalize guidelines regarding interactions between and among volunteers, students, and staff.
- Hands-on training modules designed to prepare them to work effectively in direct contact with students and staff in the classrooms and school building.
Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be certified as a Volunteer Classroom Assistant and will be assigned to teachers who have specifically requested a volunteer for their classroom. Additionally, as a part of the training, participants will undergo fingerprinting and a background check which will be rendered at no cost to all participants. To register or for additional information about The Male Parents Assisting Teachers program (M-PAT) Academy, contact (301) 925-2535 ext. 289 or a Parent Liaison at any neighborhood school.
The Prince Georges County Health Department is announcing 8-summer Town Forums on Health:
A message from Dr. Brown-Ornish who is a Senior Planner with Prince George's County Health Department.
We have important information to share with the community about their personal health status, the community’s health issues and how we can all maximize our health and well being. We also want to get input from the community about how we can best deliver services. Please help us by sharing the attached information with individuals, groups and organizations in your network. For information please call 301-883-3153 (Melony Griffith – Center for Healthy Lifestyles Initiative in the Office of the Health Officer) or 301-883-7879.
Thanks, Dr. Shirley
Dr. Shirley Brown-Ornish, MD
Senior Planner
Prince George's County Health Department
Headquarters’ Building1701 McCormick Drive,
Suite #210Largo, Maryland 20774
Vox: 301-883-7846
Fax: 301-883-7893
Email: sebrown-ornish@co.pg.md.us
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Summer Youth Program Offers Fun with a Career Focus
Classes Geared Toward Children in Grades 2 through 7
The Summer Youth Program at Prince George’s Community College encourages children to explore career options, strengthen language and math skills and discover the latest trends in science and technology through a series of fun and exciting courses.
Beginning July 6-31 on the main campus in Largo, the Summer Youth Program offers a variety of courses designed specifically for those in grades 2 through 7.
Classes meet Monday through Friday with morning (8:30-11:30 a.m.), afternoon (12:30-3:30 p.m.) and extended day (3:45-6 p.m.) sessions. Choose from more than 20 courses, which represent a mixture of academic, career and enrichment options. A partial listing of Summer
Youth Program offerings includes:
The Summer Youth Program at Prince George’s Community College encourages children to explore career options, strengthen language and math skills and discover the latest trends in science and technology through a series of fun and exciting courses.
Beginning July 6-31 on the main campus in Largo, the Summer Youth Program offers a variety of courses designed specifically for those in grades 2 through 7.
Classes meet Monday through Friday with morning (8:30-11:30 a.m.), afternoon (12:30-3:30 p.m.) and extended day (3:45-6 p.m.) sessions. Choose from more than 20 courses, which represent a mixture of academic, career and enrichment options. A partial listing of Summer
Youth Program offerings includes:
• Reading/Language Arts
• Math
• Technology Education
• Science Fair
• Sewing
• Video Game Design
• Crafts R Us
• Is There a Medical Professional in the House?
• Veterinarian
• Graphic Arts
• If Bob Can Build It, So Can I
“The summer youth program provides youth learning experiences in a college environment with courses taught by industry professionals,” said Cecelia Knox, director, Next Step Training and Education. “To ensure a strong math and language program, the instructors are selected from a pool of highly qualified local public and private school teachers,” she added.
In addition, the Summer Youth Program offers the Basketball Clinic, a one-week day (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) session that runs Aug. 10-14 for children ages 11 to 18. Under the supervision of PGCC head basketball coach John Wiley, participants receive quality instruction and participate in all phases of the game, including rules interpretation, timing, scoring, playing skill and actual game play. Participants are grouped according to age and ability.
For a complete listing of Summer Youth Program courses or information on registration and tuition, visit the Summer 2009 Schedule of Credit & Noncredit Classes on the college Web site at http://www.pgcc.edu/current/schedules/(Page 79) or call 301-322-0158. For more information on the Basketball Clinic, call 301-322-0513.
Summer Reading Can Help Students Avoid The "Summer Set Back"
The Colorado State Library systems suggested reading over the summer break helps to prevent "Summer Set Back". According to the American Library Association the benefits to readers in a summer reading program include:
- encouragement that reading become a lifelong habit
- reluctant readers can be drawn in by the activities
- reading over the summer helps children keep their skills up
- the program can generate interest in the library and books
Resources For The Engaged Parent
Parent Information and Resource Centers, which receive funding from the U.S. Department of Education, works "to inform and educate parents, family advocates, educators, community organizers, faith-based activists and others committed to educational success for all students."
The National PTA provides various resources on Parent Involvement, including an overview of the National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Programs. Also, the organization offers further information on specific issues such as the No Child Left Behind Act.
National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University, an organization focused on "developing and maintaining comprehensive programs of school-family-community partnerships," offers a digest of publications.
Parent Leadership Associates aims to engage "parents to become decision-making partners in public schools." The group offers a number of publications and compiles resources and news.
Project Appleseed provides a self-assessment tool for parents to use to rate how involved they are in their children's education.
Read an overview of the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory's Involving Family and Community in Student Learning program, and learn more about its other projects, including the National Center for Family and Community Connections With Schools, which "fosters effective family and community connections with schools by developing and distributing research-based resources and tools to a wide audience."
Parents for Public Schools, a national group devoted to increasing parents' involvement in public schools, offers parent resources, publications, and a directory of its local chapters.
The National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education provides resources for those involved in family-school partnerships: parents or families, educators, and administrators.
The National PTA provides various resources on Parent Involvement, including an overview of the National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Programs. Also, the organization offers further information on specific issues such as the No Child Left Behind Act.
National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University, an organization focused on "developing and maintaining comprehensive programs of school-family-community partnerships," offers a digest of publications.
Parent Leadership Associates aims to engage "parents to become decision-making partners in public schools." The group offers a number of publications and compiles resources and news.
Project Appleseed provides a self-assessment tool for parents to use to rate how involved they are in their children's education.
Read an overview of the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory's Involving Family and Community in Student Learning program, and learn more about its other projects, including the National Center for Family and Community Connections With Schools, which "fosters effective family and community connections with schools by developing and distributing research-based resources and tools to a wide audience."
Parents for Public Schools, a national group devoted to increasing parents' involvement in public schools, offers parent resources, publications, and a directory of its local chapters.
The National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education provides resources for those involved in family-school partnerships: parents or families, educators, and administrators.
Experts Weigh In On Parental Engagement/Involvement
"The most valuable way you can become involved in your child’s education is to provide a rich learning environment in your home to support your child’s academic achievement". (Joyce Pollard, Director,Institutional Communications jpollard@sedl.org
"When parents are involved in children’s schools and education, children have higher grades and standardized test scores, improved behavior at home and school, and better social skills and adaptation to school". (Kimberly L. Keith for About.com)
"When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more."
(Report from the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory)
"When parents are involved in children’s schools and education, children have higher grades and standardized test scores, improved behavior at home and school, and better social skills and adaptation to school". (Kimberly L. Keith for About.com)
"When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more."
(Report from the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory)
Mentoring Is A Benefit To Everyone
How is mentoring a benefit to everyone:
The Mentor Gains
• Personal satisfaction by helping children learn
• The opportunity to learn new skills or polish old ones
• Knowledge and understanding of Prince George’s County Public Schools
The Mentee Gains
• Additional individual attention
• An accepting atmosphere for learning reinforcement
• A chance to succeed, thus building a better self-concept
• A good friend who is a warm and caring adult
The School Gains
• Positive public relations with the community
• Improved student achievement and behavior
• Additional services without extra costs
• Increased community understanding and support
The Prince George’s County Community Gains
• Better educated students
• Greater confidence in the educational system
Additional Gains
• An increase in the probability of graduation
• An increase in the attendance rate of students who have shown loss of academic interest
• An increase in daily participation in school chance to succeed, thus building a better self-concept
• An increase in the grades of performing students
If you would like to find out more about mentoring opportunities with PGCPS contact· Jim Smith, 301.883.8255, e-mail at jsmith@digitalnetworkgroup.net· or Michael Robinson, 301.925.2535, e-mail at michael.robinson@pgcps.org
The Mentor Gains
• Personal satisfaction by helping children learn
• The opportunity to learn new skills or polish old ones
• Knowledge and understanding of Prince George’s County Public Schools
The Mentee Gains
• Additional individual attention
• An accepting atmosphere for learning reinforcement
• A chance to succeed, thus building a better self-concept
• A good friend who is a warm and caring adult
The School Gains
• Positive public relations with the community
• Improved student achievement and behavior
• Additional services without extra costs
• Increased community understanding and support
The Prince George’s County Community Gains
• Better educated students
• Greater confidence in the educational system
Additional Gains
• An increase in the probability of graduation
• An increase in the attendance rate of students who have shown loss of academic interest
• An increase in daily participation in school chance to succeed, thus building a better self-concept
• An increase in the grades of performing students
If you would like to find out more about mentoring opportunities with PGCPS contact· Jim Smith, 301.883.8255, e-mail at jsmith@digitalnetworkgroup.net· or Michael Robinson, 301.925.2535, e-mail at michael.robinson@pgcps.org
Just How Engaged Are You?
This was the question posed by the Denver Public Schools (DPS) to parents. In an effort to measure just how engaged parents percieved themselves to be, DPS created a short quiz for parents to take.
We invite our parents to take the quiz. Feel free to comment on your results in our comment section for this posting.
Do you make sure your student completes his/her homework?
Are you a member of the PTA/PTO in your school?
Do you make sure your student reads everyday?
Do you volunteer at your child's school?
Are you on the CSC committee? (the decision making body for the school)
Do you regularly attend parent/teacher conferences?
Do you participate in parent trainings/workshops?
Do you attend family nights such as literacy and math?
Are you involved in the school improvement plan?
10. YES NO
Do you communicate regularly with your child's teacher?
11. YES NO
Do you know the reading level of your child?
12. YES NO
Do you call the attendance line when your child is ill?
13. YES NO
Are you on the interviewing committee at your school?
How to score your quiz
Questions 1, 3, 6, 12: if answer is yes, give yourself a 1 for each question
Questions 4, 7, 8, 10, 11: if answer is yes, give yourself a 2 for each question
Questions 2, 5, 9, 13: if answer is yes, give yourself a 3 for each question
Score Totals: 0 - 4 = Emerging; 5 - 12 = Developing; 13 - 26 = Exemplary
We invite our parents to take the quiz. Feel free to comment on your results in our comment section for this posting.
Do you make sure your student completes his/her homework?
Are you a member of the PTA/PTO in your school?
Do you make sure your student reads everyday?
Do you volunteer at your child's school?
Are you on the CSC committee? (the decision making body for the school)
Do you regularly attend parent/teacher conferences?
Do you participate in parent trainings/workshops?
Do you attend family nights such as literacy and math?
Are you involved in the school improvement plan?
10. YES NO
Do you communicate regularly with your child's teacher?
11. YES NO
Do you know the reading level of your child?
12. YES NO
Do you call the attendance line when your child is ill?
13. YES NO
Are you on the interviewing committee at your school?
How to score your quiz
Questions 1, 3, 6, 12: if answer is yes, give yourself a 1 for each question
Questions 4, 7, 8, 10, 11: if answer is yes, give yourself a 2 for each question
Questions 2, 5, 9, 13: if answer is yes, give yourself a 3 for each question
Score Totals: 0 - 4 = Emerging; 5 - 12 = Developing; 13 - 26 = Exemplary
New Deputy Superintendent Selected For PGCPS

Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) will have a new Deputy Superintendent starting next week. Approved in a unanimous vote from the Board of Education, Dr. Bonita Coleman-Potter will begin her position on July 1.
“The Board of Education welcomes Dr. Coleman-Potter to the school district and the County,” said Verjeana M. Jacobs, Esq., Board Chair. “We will look forward to working with someone who shares our vision of equity and access for all students in our County.”
Originally from Jackson, Mississippi, Dr. Coleman-Potter will assist School Superintendent, Dr. William R. Hite, Jr. with overseeing day-to-day operations of the school system.
"I am thrilled to have Dr. Coleman-Potter join us in our work to improve education for children in Prince George’s County," said Hite. "Her wealth of knowledge and broad experiences are aligned with many of our goals for the school system, and I look forward to working together to serve our students, staff, and community."
Coleman-Potter served as the Deputy Superintendent for the Jackson Public School District in Jackson, Mississippi where she provided leadership for all schools and instructional divisions in the state’s only urban school district. With demographics similar to Prince George’s County, the Jackson school district served a student population made up of 98%African-American students.
29th - Spy at Night, International Spy Museum

Intrigue, deception, daring escapes, delicious drinks and five star treats… now it's your turn to live a spy's life!
The hottest destination for cool cocktails and sophisticated fun in Penn Quarter is now declassified at the International Spy Museum. Whether you're in the mood to sip The White Knight signature cocktail or prepared to leap into a covert operation, Spy at Night is the secret mission for you.
Join WPGC at the International Spy Museum on Friday night, July 29th, 5pm at 800 F St NW, Washington DC for Spy at Night!
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