Collaborating for High School Student Success: A Case Study of Parent Engagement at Boston Arts Academy: By Monique Y. Ouimette, Jay Feldman, and Rosann Tung
While the literature on parent involvement cites many examples of challenges to parent involvement and suggestions to overcome them, few models of extensive parent involvement in urban, public high schools have been described. The Boston Arts Academy is an example of a school in such a setting. It engages a vast majority of its parents in school-based activities through multiple entry points, a welcoming school environment, and frequent communication among staff and parents. By focusing on building a diverse, inclusive culture and encouraging parents to take part in the school community, BAA engages parents with varied prior experiences and dispositions toward involvement. This case study’s findings suggest several key approaches other schools may adopt. This study can be retrieved from:
One Dream, Two Realities
Perspectives of Parents on America’s High Schools
A report by Civic Enterprises in association with Peter D. Hart Research Associates for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation by: John M. Bridgeland John J. DiIulio Ryan T. Streeter James R. Mason (October, 2008)
Executive Summary
Strengthening Parents’ Ability to Provide the Guidance and Support That Matter Most in High School By Tim Taylor and Jennifer Dounay (August 2008)
A convincing body of evidence confirms what common sense suggests: The higher the expectations of parents, the steadier their guidance and support, and the greater their sense of partnership with teachers and other staff, the better their child’s chances of academic success. Perhaps at no stage of schooling is parental involvement more vital than in the upper grades. Regardless of a family’s socioeconomic status or background, young people with involved parents are more likely to attend school regularly, earn a high school diploma and continue to postsecondary education.1 But survey findings make clear that too few parents understand — let alone provide — the kind of involvement and support that matter most during students’ high school years. And relatively few state policies give schools and districts guidance on how to meaningfully involve parents of secondary-level students in their child’s education. This study can be retrieved from: http://www.ecs.org/clearinghouse/78/48/7848.pdf
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