Michael A. Robinson, Coordinating Supervisor, Parental Engagement and Community Outreach
Today April 6, 2009 in the metro section of the Washington Post there is an article highlighting the mentoring program at Greenbelt Elementary School. The program was developed by the school's Parent Liaison Jacob Novick and its Professional Counselor Donna Behe. The program was created in response to parent concerns. According to Mr. Novick, "we would meet with parents during the P-team discipline conferences. These conferences occurred after a suspension of a student. During the meeting it became apparent there was a need for supplmental support to our students and it seem mentoring would offer the best way to reduce issues such as attendance, behavioral and their academic progress."
Mr. Jacob also mentioned that many of the single parents expressed a need for a role model for their child. As a result of the parent's need and their own assesment, Greenbelt's P-Team led by Jacob Novic established a partnership with three student groups at the University of Maryland at the end of last year. Mr. Novick is excited that the program is making some progress and encourages others to start their own program and to read their article which includes a few tips, "This is our first full year operating and things are going well. If you get the opportunity please take a look at the article."
The article can be found at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/05/AR2009040501804.html
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