The role of the Parent Liaison is to help facilitate communication between the parent and the school. We are responsible for keeping you informed of events at Seabrook elementary and within the local community. We are also responsible for encouraging parents to be actively involved their child’s education.
At Seabrook, we have two Parent Liaisons Mrs. Alsbrook and Mr. Parraguez. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child, please feel free to contact either Liaison (301) 918-8542. We can help you set up a meeting with your child's teacher or let you know what’s being worked on in the classroom. We will work with you in every possible.

My name is Carol Alsbrooks, and I will be working with you this year. My two sons attend Prince Georges County Public Schools. As a parent and former teacher, I believe in full parent participation at your child’s school. I believe that the role of the parent is to encourage communication between the parent and the teacher. The parent should be the cheerleader of their child’s education. I am very excited to serve you as your school based Parent Liaison at Seabrook Elementary.

Estimados Padres de Seabrook: Soy el señor Alberto Parraguez y fuí trasladado a Seabrook como su ESOL Parent Liaison por el resto del año escolar. Estoy muy alegre de poder trabajar con ustedes. Quizás usteden pienzan que no es mucho lo que pueden aportar a la escuela debido al idioma. Déjenme decirles algo muy importante, ustedes son lo más importante en la vida de sus hijos.
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