We’re looking for videos from seniors who attend College Summit schools that show how they’re creating college-going culture at their schools. How are you supported at school on your road to college? How are the students helping each other stay motivated? Is there a story of someone at your school (maybe it’s you) that is truly compelling and acts as an inspiration to others? Get creative! Don’t just make a commercial for College Summit—we want to hear about your personal experiences. You can mix video, audio, music and still photography. We understand there will be a range in technical ability and access to editing tools. Your story should shine through the video regardless of technical know-how.
What are the prizes?
- 1st place $2,000 Scholarship to Director(s)
- 2nd place $1,000 Scholarship to Director(s)
- 3rd place $500 Scholarship to Director(s)
Who can enter?
Any senior who has participated in a College Summit workshop, attends a College Summit class at their school or attends a school which participates in the College Summit program. Videos must be submitted by students who are listed as the director. Being a director of a video means that you were -created the storyline for your video-behind the camera-edited the video yourself.
There can be up to 2 directors listed for a video. You can add up to 5 friends as helpers for your video. The prize money will go to the directors only.
Can adults assist in production?
Adults may assist with production, but they are limited to only verbal guidance. Adults are allowed to be actors but should not be major content contributors. Can participants use other people’s material?Entries must contain only original material. Video must not have been previously submitted, distributed, aired or have won any other award in any other competitions. You must obtain all rights, permissions, consents, approvals and releases from any persons or commercial entities shown or displayed. How long should my video be?
Entries should be up to 2 minutes long. The video MUST have clear, easy to hear audio. Does it cost anything to enter? There is no charge for submitting an entry.
Can I submit more than one entry?
No. Participants may submit one entry.
Can entries be disqualified?
Entries will be disqualified if they:
• Contain material that promotes bigotry, indecent content, discriminatory content based on race, religion, sexual orientation, age or nationality.
• Uses copyrighted material including music.
• Include contact info in the video itself.
• Contain material that infringes on an individual’s rights, be they personal property rights or copyright infringements.
• Display brand names or trademarks.
• Are longer than 2 minutes.
What is the deadline?
Entries must be uploaded by March 15th, 2011 12:00 am, PST
Here's the online form to submit videos! http://org2.democracyinaction.org/o/5526/p/salsa/web/common/public/signup?signup_page_KEY=1461
How do I submit my video?
1. Videos should be uploaded to Youtube. (http://upload.youtube.com/my_videos_upload)You can also submit a DVD copy to your School Partnership Manager (SPM). In this case, the DVD must be in the hands of your SPM by the deadline. Your SPM will then mail it in for you.
2. The online sign in form should be completedHow will the videos be judged? A panel of celebrities, College Summit alums, Citi Representatives and journalists will judge the videos based on creative concept and originality.
The top 5 viewed videos on Youtube will automatically be entered into the top 10 videos and submitted to our panel of judges. This means you can promote your video on Facebook and ask your friends to view it to increase your chances!
How will the winners be announced?
Winners and their SPM representatives will be notified directly by College Summit after March 15th through email. Submit your video contest entry. Good luck to all of our students!
Here's the online form to submit videos!