Michael A. Robinson, Coordinating Supervisor
During the 2008-2009 school year Prince George's County Public Schools developed a campaign to increase the level of engagement between fathers and other significant male role models in the academic lives of our students. As a result of efforts by administrators, school staff, teachers, community based organizations and government agencies, over 70,000 fathers and significant male role models were connected with their children schools.
The increase in male engagement was apparent in areas such as volunteerism and classroom observations. For the upcoming 2009-2010, we are asking all men in Prince George's County to take a stake in our schools and volunteer at least 5 hours of service to a school of their choice.
That is the sweetest picture! It is great that you all have taken the time to celebrate fathers, it really is a missing ingredient in our children's daily journey. I see PGCPS continues to lead by example as they have in the past in challenging fathers to be active in daily school activities. Your staff deserves an applause for the dedication and hard work in keeping parents informed as it continues to motivate and challenge us to stay involved. Keep up the Good Work.